1. Our game topic is a political campaign only you actually fight instead of the normal type of political fight.
2. It is very political and the characters are real politicians who will have real biographies.
3.First, the start screen will pop up saying "The Political Fight Club". There will be a button that you click to start. When you click that you will be taken to the instructions screen, there will learn how to play our game. You will also learn what our game is about \. Then you click continue, that will take you to the "Select Your Party" screen. After you choose your party, it will take you to the "Stage Select" screen. After you choose your stage, you can select your character. Once you have done all of that, you will see a biography of your character. Once you have done all of that, you will see a biography of your character, get asked a few questions, then you are ready to fight! While you fight you will gain campaign money if you win. If you win, you become the president of the United States of America! If you fail to win ,you will lose, and the opposite party will defeat you. Along the way you will also be quizzed on random facts about our country, your player, your enemy, and other things.
4. Our game “The Political Fight Club” relates to civics because you learn about the campaigning system, some of our political leaders, and ways you can spend campaign money that you will earn. The ways you learn about the campaign system are that you will win money through fights at real campaign events. Then you will learn about some of our political leaders because along with their fighting traits and stats you will get biography traits such as age, party, campaign slogan, and other facts about the person. Last you will earn and spend your campaign money. You will gain your campaign money through winning fights against other political figures. You will then spend your campaign money on actual campaign things such as a real campaign would spend it on ,but instead of actually buying them they will buy you speed boosts, size boost, jump boosts, or maybe a strength boost.
5. It teaches about some of our political leaders and a little about how a campaign works.
6. It deals with a function of government or that is how I would categorize it. It deals with the campaign system is why I would put it under dealing with a function of government.